Five Cajón Festivals Emmen (NL) 2010-2014 Posted on Friday December 8th, 2017 Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 20102010Xavi Turull 20102010Syb van der Ploeg, Peter Deiman, Jeff ZwartPlay In 2012Mortara, Blavia, Deiman 20112011Alex Acuna 2012Alex Acuna 20122012Roger Blavia & Pepe Camacho 2012Peter Deiman, Richard Zoer, Margaretha Kleine2012Cajongroep P.D. 2012Jan van der Meij, Peter Deiman, Frederique Spigt, Richard ZoerAlides Hidding, Peter Deiman, Guus StrijboschCajóngroep P.D. plus Pete Lockett (center)